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Life Can Be Hard

When Your Mind And Body

Feel Out Of Sync.

Sexual Grief is a response to sexually traumatic events which can occur over the span of one’s life. Sexual Grief can include abuse of any kind, ridicule after an initial sexual experience, being unwanted at birth, and menopause or erectile dysfunction. A kinship is formed between the traumatic event and the grief which imprisons the mind, the body and the psyche. The bond causes a sense of imprisonment when unwanted pop-up memories occur at the worst times, and leave you feeling as if your mind and body are out of sync. Bring your mind and body back into sync.

Learn more in my upcoming release: Sexual Grief

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Find answers today.

Regardless of your current situation, at some point in your life, something was taken away from you that left you emotionally tattered and sexually shunted. Sexual Grief has a unique way of showing up and pulling your down when you least expect it.

Pain, anxiety, shame, and embarrassment don’t have to lead the way.

Negotiation Techniques
to Gain Clarity

Strengthen Your

Tools to Help You
Navigate Sexual Grief


I am Edy Nathan, a Certified Sex Therapist and thought leader specializing in grief, trauma, and sexuality.

She works with businesses, universities, and long-term care homes to help people understand how these areas filter through their lives and affect everything from creativity to productivity. Working together, I offer creative ways to deal with grief, trauma, and sexuality.

I am also the author of the upcoming new release, “Sexual Grief.” I hope you’ll sign up for news and announcements on my new book and events.

“The cave awaits and it’s dark, it hurts, it’s a place no one chooses. I have a love – hate relationship with the cave. That dark place is a place that moves you from stuck to metamorphosis. Knowing it is one thing, believing it will change, and open up new worlds is hard to imagine. This is what the work of sexual grief, loss and trauma is all about. I offer a new way to think about tangling with what feels like a potent adversary. Yes, New York University for a masters, and Fordham University for another master’s and University of Michigan for a sex therapist certification, make the conversations around what we’d rather not talk about, grounded, and powerfully life changing. It’s time. To Dare to Live.”

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