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5 Weeks to Joy: Week 1

Everyday, it’s the same routine. Get up, contemplate all the things you have to do, and then get to work – whether it’s the work of tending to children, the work of a fast-paced career, or some combination of the two. There’s more to life than this, though. You know your routine by rote, so let’s change it up a bit. You only get one life! How about finding time to embrace joy? When you tap into your inner joy the inherent struggles that are part of your daily life can be challenged. Change your perspective and change the brain! If you want to enjoy life a little more take the first steps in this 5 week challenge. Today is the first challenge: C’mon, it takes a minute.

Think the Thoughts You Deserve
Negative thoughts will always yield negative feelings, and you deserve better! Rather than endlessly dwelling on disappointments, frustrations, and hurts, turn your attention toward that which is good. At the end of each day, make lists:

-Of the achievements you’re proud of
-The daily events and moments you’re thankful for
-The hopes you have for the future.

Stick with it, and you may see negative thoughts vanish altogether.

5 Weeks to Joy: Week 1 1